vendredi 17 avril 2009

Fred and Betty: Is this the End?
Episode 3:
How Betty Knows Betty: I know all about your other lady Fred! Your friend Martin told on you!
Listen to Betty Download audio (mp3 - 208kb) Download this page (pdf - 61k) ________________________________________________________________
if you tell on somebody, you give information about someone, usually about something bad that they have said or done, to a person in authority (like a teacher, boss or parent), knowing that this will probably result in punishment.
This phrasal verb must have an object. You can not separate the verb from its particle.
He told on his sister - RIGHT
He told on her - RIGHT

He told her on - WRONG
He told his sister on - WRONG

Example sentence:
When I was a child I used to steal apples from the tree in the neighbour's garden but my brother told on me and my father grounded me for a month. ________________________________________________________________
Synonyms: inform (on), grass (on), sneak (on) ________________________________________________________________

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